Pull Buoy between my Legs
Leoni Voegelin & Sebastian Altermatt
[c]2021, of all contents: Leoni Voegelin |
contact: friendsofrandomobjects[at]
With my Hand - With your Hand
naughty lil thomas
Intelligente Allmende
Intelligente Allmende | 2023

Silicone, porcelain, glass, water, and electronics are used. Interactive Art Installation for Center for Literature Münster at Haus Rüschhaus.

The Project was a joint work of the Center for Literature and the artists Fabian Raith, Franziska Winkler and FriendsOfRandomObjects. Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Foto: Hannah Neander
Foto: Hannah Neander
Foto: Hannah Neander
Foto: Hannah Neander